FLT partners with LED Lighting Facts

First Light Technologies is proud to announce that we have been accepted as partner in the U.S. Department of Energy’s LED Lighting Facts program.

The LED Lighting Facts program was created in 2008 to assure decision makers that the performance of solid-state lighting (SSL) products is represented accurately and to prevent the exaggerated performance claims that are often prevalent with new technologies. Becoming an LED Lighting Facts partner requires a commitment to supporting improvement of the quality of SSL products and a pledge to report their products’ performance results. Those results appear on the LED Lighting Facts label, which helps industry buyers make informed purchasing decisions for their lighting products. On the program website (www.lightingfacts.com), you can find a wealth of information and detailed performance analysis on thousands of products.

We are pleased to join the biggest players in the lighting industry with our participation in this program. And having studied the metrics on the program website, we are more than a little bit excited to report that according to the program’s data on 50 bollards, the three products that comprise First Light’s PLB-AC line-up, are also the three products with the highest efficacy ratings. A big thank you to our product team for bringing innovation to light!

